Commit 0ea30993 authored by Josh Miller's avatar Josh Miller

Fixed various typos throughout laravel folder.

Signed-off-by: 's avatarJosh Miller <>
parent 845023fc
return array(
| Validation Language Lines
| The following language lines contain the default error messages used
| by the validator class. Some of the rules contain multiple versions,
| such as the size (max, min, between) rules. These versions are used
| for different input types such as strings and files.
| These language lines may be easily changed to provide custom error
| messages in your application. Error messages for custom validation
| rules may also be added to this file.
"accepted" => "Трябва да приемете :attribute.",
"active_url" => "Полето :attribute не е валиден URL адрес.",
"after" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде дата след :date.",
"alpha" => "Полето :attribute трябва да съдържа само букви.",
"alpha_dash" => "Полето :attribute трябва да съдържа само букви, цифри, долна черта и тире.",
"alpha_num" => "Полето :attribute трябва да съдържа само букви и цифри.",
"before" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде дата преди :date.",
"between" => array(
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде между :min и :max.",
"file" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде между :min и :max килобайта.",
"string" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде между :min и :max знака.",
"confirmed" => "Полето :attribute не е потвърдено.",
"different" => "Полетата :attribute и :other трябва да са различни.",
"email" => "Полето :attribute е с невалиден формат.",
"exists" => "Избраната стойност на :attribute вече съществува.",
"image" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде изображение.",
"in" => "Стойността на :attribute е невалидна.",
"integer" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде цяло число.",
"ip" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде IP адрес.",
"match" => "Полето :attribute е с невалиден формат.",
"max" => array(
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде по-малко от :max.",
"file" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде по-малко от :max килобайта.",
"string" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде по-малко от :max знака.",
"mimes" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде файл от тип: :values.",
"min" => array(
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде минимум :min.",
"file" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде минимум :min килобайта.",
"string" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде минимум :min знака.",
"not_in" => "Стойността на :attribute е невалидна.",
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде число.",
"required" => "Полето :attribute е задължително.",
"same" => "Стойностите на :attribute и :other трябва да съвпадат.",
"size" => array(
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде :size.",
"file" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде :size килобайта.",
"string" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде :size знака.",
"unique" => "Стойността на :attribute вече съществува.",
"url" => "Полето :attribute е с невалиден формат.",
| Custom Validation Language Lines
| Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the
| convention "attribute_rule" to name the lines. This helps keep your
| custom validation clean and tidy.
| So, say you want to use a custom validation message when validating that
| the "email" attribute is unique. Just add "email_unique" to this array
| with your custom message. The Validator will handle the rest!
'custom' => array(),
| Validation Attributes
| The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders
| with something more reader friendly such as "E-Mail Address" instead
| of "email". Your users will thank you.
| The Validator class will automatically search this array of lines it
| is attempting to replace the :attribute place-holder in messages.
| It's pretty slick. We think you'll like it.
'attributes' => array(),
return array(
| Validation Language Lines
| The following language lines contain the default error messages used
| by the validator class. Some of the rules contain multiple versions,
| such as the size (max, min, between) rules. These versions are used
| for different input types such as strings and files.
| These language lines may be easily changed to provide custom error
| messages in your application. Error messages for custom validation
| rules may also be added to this file.
"accepted" => "Трябва да приемете :attribute.",
"active_url" => "Полето :attribute не е валиден URL адрес.",
"after" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде дата след :date.",
"alpha" => "Полето :attribute трябва да съдържа само букви.",
"alpha_dash" => "Полето :attribute трябва да съдържа само букви, цифри, долна черта и тире.",
"alpha_num" => "Полето :attribute трябва да съдържа само букви и цифри.",
"before" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде дата преди :date.",
"between" => array(
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде между :min и :max.",
"file" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде между :min и :max килобайта.",
"string" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде между :min и :max знака.",
"confirmed" => "Полето :attribute не е потвърдено.",
"different" => "Полетата :attribute и :other трябва да са различни.",
"email" => "Полето :attribute е с невалиден формат.",
"exists" => "Избраната стойност на :attribute вече съществува.",
"image" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде изображение.",
"in" => "Стойността на :attribute е невалидна.",
"integer" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде цяло число.",
"ip" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде IP адрес.",
"match" => "Полето :attribute е с невалиден формат.",
"max" => array(
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде по-малко от :max.",
"file" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде по-малко от :max килобайта.",
"string" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде по-малко от :max знака.",
"mimes" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде файл от тип: :values.",
"min" => array(
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде минимум :min.",
"file" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде минимум :min килобайта.",
"string" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде минимум :min знака.",
"not_in" => "Стойността на :attribute е невалидна.",
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде число.",
"required" => "Полето :attribute е задължително.",
"same" => "Стойностите на :attribute и :other трябва да съвпадат.",
"size" => array(
"numeric" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде :size.",
"file" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде :size килобайта.",
"string" => "Полето :attribute трябва да бъде :size знака.",
"unique" => "Стойността на :attribute вече съществува.",
"url" => "Полето :attribute е с невалиден формат.",
| Custom Validation Language Lines
| Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the
| convention "attribute_rule" to name the lines. This helps keep your
| custom validation clean and tidy.
| So, say you want to use a custom validation message when validating that
| the "email" attribute is unique. Just add "email_unique" to this array
| with your custom message. The Validator will handle the rest!
'custom' => array(),
| Validation Attributes
| The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders
| with something more reader friendly such as "E-Mail Address" instead
| of "email". Your users will thank you.
| The Validator class will automatically search this array of lines it
| is attempting to replace the :attribute place-holder in messages.
| It's pretty slick. We think you'll like it.
'attributes' => array(),
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Autoloader {
* Load the file corresponding to a given class.
* This method is registerd in the bootstrap file as an SPL auto-loader.
* This method is registered in the bootstrap file as an SPL auto-loader.
* @param string $class
* @return void
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Autoloader {
return class_alias(static::$aliases[$class], $class);
// All classes in Laravel are staticly mapped. There is no crazy search
// All classes in Laravel are statically mapped. There is no crazy search
// routine that digs through directories. It's just a simple array of
// class to file path maps for ultra-fast file loading.
elseif (isset(static::$mappings[$class]))
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class Autoloader {
protected static function load_psr($class, $directory = null)
// The PSR-0 standard indicates that class namespaces and underscores
// should be used to indcate the directory tree in which the class
// should be used to indicate the directory tree in which the class
// resides, so we'll convert them to slashes.
$file = str_replace(array('\\', '_'), '/', $class);
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class Bundle {
// It is possible for the developer to specify auto-loader mappings
// directly on the bundle registration. This provides a convenient
// way to register mappings withuot a bootstrap.
// way to register mappings without a bootstrap.
if (isset($config['autoloads']))
static::autoloads($bundle, $config);
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class Bundle {
* Deteremine if a bundle exists within the bundles directory.
* Determine if a bundle exists within the bundles directory.
* @param string $bundle
* @return bool
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class Bundler extends Task {
// all of its registered dependencies as well.
// Each bundle provider implements the Provider interface and
// is repsonsible for retrieving the bundle source from its
// is responsible for retrieving the bundle source from its
// hosting party and installing it into the application.
$path = path('bundle').$this->path($bundle);
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class Bundler extends Task {
$responses[] = $bundle;
// We'll also get the bundle's declared dependenceis so they
// We'll also get the bundle's declared dependencies so they
// can be installed along with the bundle, making it easy
// to install a group of bundles.
$dependencies = $this->get($bundle['dependencies']);
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ abstract class Provider {
// When installing a bundle from a Zip archive, we'll first clone
// down the bundle zip into the bundles "working" directory so
// we have a spot to do all of our bundle extration work.
// we have a spot to do all of our bundle extraction work.
$target = $work.'';
File::put($target, $this->download($url));
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ abstract class Provider {
// Once we have the latest modified directory, we should be
// able to move its contents over into the bundles folder
// so the bundle will be usable by the develoepr.
// so the bundle will be usable by the developer.
File::mvdir($latest, $path);
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Database {
$table = $this->table();
// First we need to grab the last batch ID from the migration table,
// as this will allow us to grab the lastest batch of migrations
// as this will allow us to grab the latest batch of migrations
// that need to be run for a rollback command.
$id = $this->batch();
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class Migrator extends Task {
// Once the migration has been created, we'll return the
// migration file name so it can be used by the task
// consumer if necessary for futher work.
// consumer if necessary for further work.
return $file;
......@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ class Migrator extends Task {
$prefix = Bundle::class_prefix($bundle);
// The class name is formatted simialrly to tasks and controllers,
// The class name is formatted similarly to tasks and controllers,
// where the bundle name is prefixed to the class if it is not in
// the default "application" bundle.
$class = $prefix.Str::classify($migration);
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Cookie {
// If the secure option is set to true, yet the request is not over HTTPS
// we'll throw an exception to let the developer know that they are
// attempting to send a secure cookie over the unsecure HTTP.
// attempting to send a secure cookie over the unsecured HTTP.
if ($secure and ! Request::secure())
throw new \Exception("Attempting to set secure cookie over HTTP.");
......@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class Connection {
// If the fetch style is "class", we'll hydrate an array of PHP
// stdClass objects as generic containers for the query rows,
// otherwise we'll just use the fetch styel value.
// otherwise we'll just use the fetch style value.
if ($style === PDO::FETCH_CLASS)
return $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'stdClass');
......@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ abstract class Model {
$underscored = array('with', 'find');
// Some methods need to be accessed both staticly and non-staticly so we'll
// Some methods need to be accessed both statically and non-statically so we'll
// keep underscored methods of those methods and intercept calls to them
// here so they can be called either way on the model instance.
if (in_array($method, $underscored))
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class Query {
* Creat a new query instance for a model.
* Create a new query instance for a model.
* @param Model $model
* @return void
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ class Query {
$new = new $class(array(), true);
// We need to set the attributes manually in case the accessible property is
// set on the array which will prevent the mass assignemnt of attributes if
// set on the array which will prevent the mass assignment of attributes if
// we were to pass them in using the constructor or fill methods.
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class Query {
// If the column is just a string, we can assume that the join just
// has a simple on clause, and we'll create the join instance and
// add the clause automatically for the develoepr.
// add the clause automatically for the developer.
$join = new Query\Join($type, $table);
......@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ class Query {
// Because some database engines may throw errors if we leave orderings
// on the query when retrieving the total number of records, we'll drop
// all of the ordreings and put them back on the query.
// all of the orderings and put them back on the query.
list($orderings, $this->orderings) = array($this->orderings, null);
$total = $this->count(reset($columns));
......@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ class Query {
// All of the aggregate methods are handled by a single method, so we'll
// catch them all here and then pass them off to the agregate method
// catch them all here and then pass them off to the aggregate method
// instead of creating methods for each one of them.
if (in_array($method, array('count', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'sum')))
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Grammar extends \Laravel\Database\Grammar {
public $datetime = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
* All of the query componenets in the order they should be built.
* All of the query components in the order they should be built.
* @var array
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class Grammar extends \Laravel\Database\Grammar {
// The first clause will have a connector on the front, but it is
// not needed on the first condition, so we will strip it off of
// the condition before adding it to the arrya of joins.
// the condition before adding it to the array of joins.
$search = array('AND ', 'OR ');
$clauses[0] = str_replace($search, '', $clauses[0]);
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class Grammar extends \Laravel\Database\Grammar {
* Compile a SQL INSERT statment from a Query instance.
* Compile a SQL INSERT statement from a Query instance.
* This method handles the compilation of single row inserts and batch inserts.
......@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ class Grammar extends \Laravel\Database\Grammar {
$columns = $this->columnize(array_keys(reset($values)));
// Build the list of parameter place-holders of values bound to the query.
// Each insert should have the same number of bound paramters, so we can
// Each insert should have the same number of bound parameters, so we can
// just use the first array of values.
$parameters = $this->parameterize(reset($values));
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class Grammar extends \Laravel\Database\Grammar {
* Compile a SQL INSERT and get ID statment from a Query instance.
* Compile a SQL INSERT and get ID statement from a Query instance.
* @param Query $query
* @param array $values
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ class Grammar extends \Laravel\Database\Grammar {
* Compile a SQL UPDATE statment from a Query instance.
* Compile a SQL UPDATE statement from a Query instance.
* @param Query $query
* @param array $values
......@@ -410,13 +410,13 @@ class Grammar extends \Laravel\Database\Grammar {
$columns = implode(', ', $columns);
// UPDATE statements may be constrained by a WHERE clause, so we'll run
// the entire where compilation process for those contraints. This is
// the entire where compilation process for those constraints. This is
// easily achieved by passing it to the "wheres" method.
return trim("UPDATE {$table} SET {$columns} ".$this->wheres($query));
* Compile a SQL DELETE statment from a Query instance.
* Compile a SQL DELETE statement from a Query instance.
* @param Query $query
* @return string
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use Laravel\Database\Query;
class Postgres extends Grammar {
* Compile a SQL INSERT and get ID statment from a Query instance.
* Compile a SQL INSERT and get ID statement from a Query instance.
* @param Query $query
* @param array $values
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Schema {
// The implications method is responsible for finding any fluently
// defined indexes on the schema table and adding the explicit
// commands that are needed to tbe schema instance.
// commands that are needed to the schema instance.
foreach ($table->commands as $command)
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class MySQL extends Grammar {
* Geenrate the SQL statements for a table modification command.
* Generate the SQL statements for a table modification command.
* @param Table $table
* @param Fluent $command
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ class MySQL extends Grammar {
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unqique key command.
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unique key command.
* @param Table $table
* @param Fluent $command
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ class MySQL extends Grammar {
* Generate the data-type definintion for a decimal.
* Generate the data-type definition for a decimal.
* @param Fluent $column
* @return string
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Postgres extends Grammar {
* Geenrate the SQL statements for a table modification command.
* Generate the SQL statements for a table modification command.
* @param Table $table
* @param Fluent $command
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class Postgres extends Grammar {
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unqique key command.
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unique key command.
* @param Table $table
* @param Fluent $command
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class Postgres extends Grammar {
* Generate the data-type definintion for a decimal.
* Generate the data-type definition for a decimal.
* @param Fluent $column
* @return string
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class SQLite extends Grammar {
* Geenrate the SQL statements for a table modification command.
* Generate the SQL statements for a table modification command.
* @param Table $table
* @param Fluent $command
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ class SQLite extends Grammar {
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unqique key command.
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unique key command.
* @param Table $table
* @param Fluent $command
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ class SQLite extends Grammar {
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unqique key command.
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unique key command.
* @param Table $table
* @param Fluent $command
......@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class SQLite extends Grammar {
* Generate the data-type definintion for a decimal.
* Generate the data-type definition for a decimal.
* @param Fluent $column
* @return string
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class SQLServer extends Grammar {
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unqiue key command.
* Generate the SQL statement for a drop unique key command.
* @param Table $table
* @param Fluent $command
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class SQLServer extends Grammar {
* Generate the data-type definintion for a decimal.
* Generate the data-type definition for a decimal.
* @param Fluent $column
* @return string
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class Error {
public static function shutdown()
// If a fatal error occured that we have not handled yet, we will
// If a fatal error occurred that we have not handled yet, we will
// create an ErrorException and feed it to the exception handler,
// as it will not yet have been handled.
$error = error_get_last();
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ class File {
// If the item is a directory, we can just recurse into the
// function and delete that sub-directory, otherwise we'll
// just deleete the file and keep going!
// just delete the file and keep going!
if ($item->isDir())
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ class HTML {
foreach ((array) $attributes as $key => $value)
// For numeric keys, we will assume that the key and the value are the
// same, as this will conver HTML attributes such as "required" that
// same, as this will convert HTML attributes such as "required" that
// may be specified as required="required", etc.
if (is_numeric($key)) $key = $value;
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class IoC {
$dependency = $parameter->getClass();
// If the class is null, it means the dependency is a string or some other
// primitive type, which we can not esolve since it is not a class and
// primitive type, which we can not resolve since it is not a class and
// we'll just bomb out with an error since we have nowhere to go.
if (is_null($dependency))
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class Lang {
$line = array_get($lines, $line, $default);
// If the line is not a string, it probably means the developer asked for
// the entire langauge file and the value of the requested value will be
// the entire language file and the value of the requested value will be
// an array containing all of the lines in the file.
if (is_string($line))
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ register_shutdown_function(function()
| By setting error reporting to -1, we essentially force PHP to report
| every error, and this is guranteed to show every error on future
| every error, and this is guaranteed to show every error on future
| releases of PHP. This allows everything to be fixed early!
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ $response->render();
| If a session driver has been configured, we will save the session to
| storage so it is avaiable for the next request. This will also set
| storage so it is available for the next request. This will also set
| the session cookie in the cookie jar to be sent to the user.
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Log {
* Write a message to the log file.
* <code>
* // Write an "error" messge to the log file
* // Write an "error" message to the log file
* Log::write('error', 'Something went horribly wrong!');
* // Write an "error" message using the class' magic method
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class Pluralizer {
// English words may be automatically inflected using regular expressions.
// If the word is english, we'll just pass off the word to the automatic
// If the word is English, we'll just pass off the word to the automatic
// inflection method and return the result, which is cached.
$irregular = $this->config['irregular'];
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Pluralizer {
// English words may be automatically inflected using regular expressions.
// If the word is english, we'll just pass off the word to the automatic
// If the word is English, we'll just pass off the word to the automatic
// inflection method and return the result, which is cached.
$irregular = array_flip($this->config['irregular']);
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class Redis {
protected $port;
* The databse number the connection selects on load.
* The database number the connection selects on load.
* @var int
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class Router {
list($bundle, $controller) = Bundle::parse($identifier);
// First we need to replace the dots with slashes in thte controller name
// First we need to replace the dots with slashes in the controller name
// so that it is in directory format. The dots allow the developer to use
// a cleaner syntax when specifying the controller. We will also grab the
// root URI for the controller's bundle.
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class Database extends Driver implements Sweeper {
* Delete all expired sessions from persistant storage.
* Delete all expired sessions from persistent storage.
* @param int $expiration
* @return void
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ abstract class Driver {
return Str::random(40);
// We'll containue generating random IDs until we find an ID that is
// We'll continue generating random IDs until we find an ID that is
// not currently assigned to a session. This is almost definitely
// going to happen on the first iteration.
do {
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class File extends Driver implements Sweeper {
* Delete all expired sessions from persistant storage.
* Delete all expired sessions from persistent storage.
* @param int $expiration
* @return void
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
interface Sweeper {
* Delete all expired sessions from persistant storage.
* Delete all expired sessions from persistent storage.
* @param int $expiration
* @return void
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class Payload {
* Deteremine if the session payload instance is valid.
* Determine if the session payload instance is valid.
* The session is considered valid if it exists and has not expired.
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class URL {
// Unless $https is specified (true or false) then maintain the current request
// security for any new links generated. So https for all secure links.
// security for any new links generated. So https for all secure links.
if (is_null($https)) $https = Request::secure();
$root = static::base().'/'.Config::get('application.index');
......@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ class Validator {
// If no language line has been specified for the attribute, all of
// the underscores are removed from the attribute name and that
// will be used as the attribtue name.
// will be used as the attribute name.
return str_replace('_', ' ', $attribute);
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