Commit 220c359e authored by Taylor Otwell's avatar Taylor Otwell

fixed changes.

parent 77dc8d20
return array(
| Class Aliases
| Here, you can specify any class aliases that you would like registered
| when Laravel loads. Aliases are lazy-loaded, so add as many as you want.
| Aliases make it more convenient to use namespaced classes. Instead of
| referring to the class using its full namespace, you may simply use
| the alias defined here.
| We have already aliased common Laravel classes to make your life easier.
'Arr' => 'Laravel\\Arr',
'Asset' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Asset',
'Auth' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Auth',
'Benchmark' => 'Laravel\\Benchmark',
'Cache' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Cache',
'Config' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Config',
'Controller' => 'Laravel\\Controller',
'Cookie' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Cookie',
'Crypter' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Crypter',
'DB' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\DB',
'Download' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Download',
'Eloquent' => 'Laravel\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model',
'File' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\File',
'Form' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Form',
'Hasher' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Hasher',
'HTML' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\HTML',
'Inflector' => 'Laravel\\Inflector',
'Input' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Input',
'IoC' => 'Laravel\\IoC',
'Lang' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Lang',
'Loader' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Loader',
'Package' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Package',
'URL' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\URL',
'Redirect' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Redirect',
'Request' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Request',
'Response' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Response',
'Session' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Session',
'Str' => 'Laravel\\Str',
'Validator' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Validator',
'View' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\View',
return array(
| Class Aliases
| Here, you can specify any class aliases that you would like registered
| when Laravel loads. Aliases are lazy-loaded, so add as many as you want.
| Aliases make it more convenient to use namespaced classes. Instead of
| referring to the class using its full namespace, you may simply use
| the alias defined here.
| We have already aliased common Laravel classes to make your life easier.
'Arr' => 'Laravel\\Arr',
'Asset' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Asset',
'Auth' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Auth',
'Benchmark' => 'Laravel\\Benchmark',
'Cache' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Cache',
'Config' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Config',
'Controller' => 'Laravel\\Controller',
'Cookie' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Cookie',
'Crypter' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Crypter',
'DB' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\DB',
'Download' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Download',
'Eloquent' => 'Laravel\\Database\\Eloquent\\Model',
'File' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\File',
'Form' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Form',
'Hasher' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Hasher',
'HTML' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\HTML',
'Inflector' => 'Laravel\\Inflector',
'Input' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Input',
'IoC' => 'Laravel\\IoC',
'Lang' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Lang',
'Loader' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Loader',
'Package' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Package',
'URL' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\URL',
'Redirect' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Redirect',
'Request' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Request',
'Response' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Response',
'Session' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Session',
'Str' => 'Laravel\\Str',
'Validator' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Validator',
'View' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\View',
\ No newline at end of file
return array(
| Application URL
| The URL used to access your application. No trailing slash.
'url' => 'http://localhost',
| Application Index
| If you are including the "index.php" in your URLs, you can ignore this.
| However, if you are using mod_rewrite or something similar to get
| cleaner URLs, set this option to an empty string.
'index' => 'index.php',
| Application Language
| The default language of your application. This language will be used by
| Lang library as the default language when doing string localization.
'language' => 'en',
| Application Character Encoding
| The default character encoding used by your application. This is the
| character encoding that will be used by the Str, Text, and Form classes.
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
| Application Timezone
| The default timezone of your application. This timezone will be used when
| Laravel needs a date, such as when writing to a log file.
'timezone' => 'UTC',
| Auto-Loaded Packages
| The packages that should be auto-loaded each time Laravel handles
| a request. These should generally be packages that you use on almost
| every request to your application.
| Each package specified here will be bootstrapped and can be conveniently
| used by your application's routes, models, and libraries.
| Note: The package names in this array should correspond to a package
| directory in application/packages.
'packages' => array(),
| Application Key
| Your application key should be a 32 character string that is totally
| random and secret. This key is used by the encryption class to generate
| secure, encrypted strings.
'key' => '',
return array(
| Application URL
| The URL used to access your application. No trailing slash.
'url' => 'http://localhost',
| Application Index
| If you are including the "index.php" in your URLs, you can ignore this.
| However, if you are using mod_rewrite or something similar to get
| cleaner URLs, set this option to an empty string.
'index' => 'index.php',
| Application Language
| The default language of your application. This language will be used by
| Lang library as the default language when doing string localization.
'language' => 'en',
| Application Character Encoding
| The default character encoding used by your application. This is the
| character encoding that will be used by the Str, Text, and Form classes.
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
| Application Timezone
| The default timezone of your application. This timezone will be used when
| Laravel needs a date, such as when writing to a log file.
'timezone' => 'UTC',
| Auto-Loaded Packages
| The packages that should be auto-loaded each time Laravel handles
| a request. These should generally be packages that you use on almost
| every request to your application.
| Each package specified here will be bootstrapped and can be conveniently
| used by your application's routes, models, and libraries.
| Note: The package names in this array should correspond to a package
| directory in application/packages.
'packages' => array(),
| Application Key
| Your application key should be a 32 character string that is totally
| random and secret. This key is used by the encryption class to generate
| secure, encrypted strings.
'key' => '',
\ No newline at end of file
return array(
| Retrieve The Current User
| This closure is called by the Auth::user() method when attempting to
| retrieve a user by their ID stored in the session.
| Simply return an object representing the user with the given ID. Or, if
| no user with the given ID is registered to use your application, you do
| not need to return anything.
| Of course, a simple, elegant authentication solution is already provided
| for you using Eloquent and the default Laravel hashing engine.
'user' => function($id)
if ( ! is_null($id)) return User::find($id);
| Authenticate User Credentials
| This closure is called by the Auth::attempt() method when attempting to
| authenticate a user that is logging into your application.
| If the provided credentials are correct, simply return an object that
| represents the user being authenticated. If the credentials are not
| valid, don't return anything.
| Note: If a user object is returned, it must have an "id" property.
'attempt' => function($username, $password)
if ( ! is_null($user = User::where('email', '=', $username)->first()))
if (Hasher::check($password, $user->password)) return $user;
| Logout
| Here you may do anything that needs to be done when a user logs out of
| your application, such as call the logout method on a third-party API
| you are using for authentication, or anything else you desire.
'logout' => function($id) {}
return array(
| Retrieve The Current User
| This closure is called by the Auth::user() method when attempting to
| retrieve a user by their ID stored in the session.
| Simply return an object representing the user with the given ID. Or, if
| no user with the given ID is registered to use your application, you do
| not need to return anything.
| Of course, a simple, elegant authentication solution is already provided
| for you using Eloquent and the default Laravel hashing engine.
'user' => function($id)
if ( ! is_null($id)) return User::find($id);
| Authenticate User Credentials
| This closure is called by the Auth::attempt() method when attempting to
| authenticate a user that is logging into your application.
| If the provided credentials are correct, simply return an object that
| represents the user being authenticated. If the credentials are not
| valid, don't return anything.
| Note: If a user object is returned, it must have an "id" property.
'attempt' => function($username, $password)
if ( ! is_null($user = User::where('email', '=', $username)->first()))
if (Hasher::check($password, $user->password)) return $user;
| Logout
| Here you may do anything that needs to be done when a user logs out of
| your application, such as call the logout method on a third-party API
| you are using for authentication, or anything else you desire.
'logout' => function($id) {}
\ No newline at end of file
return array(
| Cache Driver
| The name of the default cache driver for your application.
| Caching can be used to increase the performance of your application
| by storing commonly accessed data in memory or in a file.
| Supported Drivers: 'file', 'memcached', 'apc'.
'driver' => 'file',
| Cache Key
| This key will be prepended to item keys stored using Memcached and APC to
| prevent collisions with other applications on the server.
'key' => 'laravel',
| Memcached Servers
| The Memcached servers used by your application.
| Memcached is a free and open source, high-performance, distributed memory
| object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding
| up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
| For more information about Memcached, check out:
'servers' => array(
array('host' => '', 'port' => 11211, 'weight' => 100),
return array(
| Cache Driver
| The name of the default cache driver for your application.
| Caching can be used to increase the performance of your application
| by storing commonly accessed data in memory or in a file.
| Supported Drivers: 'file', 'memcached', 'apc'.
'driver' => 'file',
| Cache Key
| This key will be prepended to item keys stored using Memcached and APC to
| prevent collisions with other applications on the server.
'key' => 'laravel',
| Memcached Servers
| The Memcached servers used by your application.
| Memcached is a free and open source, high-performance, distributed memory
| object caching system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding
| up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.
| For more information about Memcached, check out:
'servers' => array(
array('host' => '', 'port' => 11211, 'weight' => 100),
\ No newline at end of file
return array(
| Default Database Connection
| The name of your default database connection.
| This connection will be the default for all database operations unless a
| different connection is specified when performing the operation. The name
| of the default connection should correspond to the name of a connector
| defined below.
'default' => 'sqlite',
| Database Connectors
| All of the database connectors used by your application.
| Each connector should return a PDO connection. You may connect to any
| database system you wish. Of course, default configurations for the
| systems supported by Laravel are provided for you.
| The entire database configuration array is passed to the connector
| closure, so you may convenient use it when connecting to your database.
| Note: When using an unsupported database, Eloquent and the fluent query
| builder may not work as expected. Currently, MySQL, Postgres, and
| SQLite are fully supported by Laravel.
'connectors' => array(
'sqlite' => function($config)
return new PDO('sqlite:'.DATABASE_PATH.'application.sqlite', null, null, $config['options']);
'mysql' => function($config)
return new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database', 'root', 'password', $config['options']);
'pgsql' => function($config)
return new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=database', 'root', 'password', $config['options']);
| Database PDO Options
| Here you may specify the PDO options that should be used when connecting
| to a database. The entire database configuration array is passed to the
| database connector closures, so may convenient access these options from
| your connectors.
| For a list of options, visit:
'options' => array(
return array(
| Default Database Connection
| The name of your default database connection.
| This connection will be the default for all database operations unless a
| different connection is specified when performing the operation. The name
| of the default connection should correspond to the name of a connector
| defined below.
'default' => 'sqlite',
| Database Connectors
| All of the database connectors used by your application.
| Each connector should return a PDO connection. You may connect to any
| database system you wish. Of course, default configurations for the
| systems supported by Laravel are provided for you.
| The entire database configuration array is passed to the connector
| closure, so you may convenient use it when connecting to your database.
| Note: When using an unsupported database, Eloquent and the fluent query
| builder may not work as expected. Currently, MySQL, Postgres, and
| SQLite are fully supported by Laravel.
'connectors' => array(
'sqlite' => function($config)
return new PDO('sqlite:'.DATABASE_PATH.'application.sqlite', null, null, $config['options']);
'mysql' => function($config)
return new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=database', 'root', 'password', $config['options']);
'pgsql' => function($config)
return new PDO('pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=database', 'root', 'password', $config['options']);
| Database PDO Options
| Here you may specify the PDO options that should be used when connecting
| to a database. The entire database configuration array is passed to the
| database connector closures, so may convenient access these options from
| your connectors.
| For a list of options, visit:
'options' => array(
\ No newline at end of file
return array(
| Error Handler
| Because of the various ways of managing error logging, you get complete
| flexibility to manage error logging as you see fit.
| This function will be called when an error occurs in your application.
| You can log the error however you like.
| The error "severity" passed to the method is a human-readable severity
| level such as "Parsing Error" or "Fatal Error".
| A simple logging system has been setup for you. By default, all errors
| will be logged to the storage/log.txt file.
'handler' => function($exception)
return array(
| Error Handler
| Because of the various ways of managing error logging, you get complete
| flexibility to manage error logging as you see fit.
| This function will be called when an error occurs in your application.
| You can log the error however you like.
| The error "severity" passed to the method is a human-readable severity
| level such as "Parsing Error" or "Fatal Error".
| A simple logging system has been setup for you. By default, all errors
| will be logged to the storage/log.txt file.
'handler' => function($exception)
\ No newline at end of file
return array(
| Session Driver
| The name of the session driver for your application.
| Since HTTP is stateless, sessions are used to maintain "state" across
| multiple requests from the same user of your application.
| Supported Drivers: 'cookie', 'file', 'database', 'memcached', 'apc'.
'driver' => '',
| Session Database
| The database table on which the session should be stored.
| This option is only relevant when using the "database" session driver.
'table' => 'sessions',
| Session Garbage Collection Probability
| Some session drivers require the manual clean-up of expired sessions.
| This option specifies the probability of session garbage collection
| occuring for any given request.
| For example, the default value states that garbage collection has about
| a 2% (2 / 100) chance of occuring for any given request.
'sweepage' => array(2, 100),
| Session Lifetime
| The number of minutes a session can be idle before expiring.
'lifetime' => 60,
| Session Expiration On Close
| Determines if the session should expire when the user's web browser closes.
'expire_on_close' => false,
| Session Cookie Path
| The path for which the session cookie is available.
'path' => '/',
| Session Cookie Domain
| The domain for which the session cookie is available.
'domain' => null,
return array(
| Session Driver
| The name of the session driver for your application.
| Since HTTP is stateless, sessions are used to maintain "state" across
| multiple requests from the same user of your application.
| Supported Drivers: 'cookie', 'file', 'database', 'memcached', 'apc'.
'driver' => '',
| Session Database
| The database table on which the session should be stored.
| This option is only relevant when using the "database" session driver.
'table' => 'sessions',
| Session Garbage Collection Probability
| Some session drivers require the manual clean-up of expired sessions.
| This option specifies the probability of session garbage collection
| occuring for any given request.
| For example, the default value states that garbage collection has about
| a 2% (2 / 100) chance of occuring for any given request.
'sweepage' => array(2, 100),
| Session Lifetime
| The number of minutes a session can be idle before expiring.
'lifetime' => 60,
| Session Expiration On Close
| Determines if the session should expire when the user's web browser closes.
'expire_on_close' => false,
| Session Cookie Path
| The path for which the session cookie is available.
'path' => '/',
| Session Cookie Domain
| The domain for which the session cookie is available.
'domain' => null,
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace Laravel;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Define the PHP file extension.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
define('EXT', '.php');
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Define the core framework paths.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
define('APP_PATH', realpath($application).'/');
define('BASE_PATH', realpath(str_replace('laravel', '', $laravel)).'/');
define('PACKAGE_PATH', realpath($packages).'/');
define('PUBLIC_PATH', realpath($public).'/');
define('STORAGE_PATH', realpath($storage).'/');
define('SYS_PATH', realpath($laravel).'/');
unset($laravel, $application, $config, $packages, $public, $storage);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Define various other framework paths.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
define('CACHE_PATH', STORAGE_PATH.'cache/');
define('CONFIG_PATH', APP_PATH.'config/');
define('CONTROLLER_PATH', APP_PATH.'controllers/');
define('DATABASE_PATH', STORAGE_PATH.'database/');
define('LANG_PATH', APP_PATH.'language/');
define('SESSION_PATH', STORAGE_PATH.'sessions/');
define('SYS_CONFIG_PATH', SYS_PATH.'config/');
define('SYS_LANG_PATH', SYS_PATH.'language/');
define('VIEW_PATH', APP_PATH.'views/');
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Load the configuration manager and its dependencies.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require SYS_PATH.'facades'.EXT;
require SYS_PATH.'config'.EXT;
require SYS_PATH.'arr'.EXT;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Bootstrap the IoC container.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require SYS_PATH.'container'.EXT;
$dependencies = require SYS_CONFIG_PATH.'container'.EXT;
if (file_exists($path = CONFIG_PATH.'container'.EXT))
$dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, require $path);
$env = (isset($_SERVER['LARAVEL_ENV'])) ? $_SERVER['LARAVEL_ENV'] : null;
if ( ! is_null($env) and file_exists($path = CONFIG_PATH.$env.'/container'.EXT))
$dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, require $path);
$container = new Container($dependencies);
IoC::$container = $container;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Register the auto-loader on the auto-loader stack.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
spl_autoload_register(array($container->resolve('laravel.loader'), 'load'));
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the application environment configuration option.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
<?php namespace Laravel;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Define the PHP file extension.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
define('EXT', '.php');
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Define the core framework paths.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
define('APP_PATH', realpath($application).'/');
define('BASE_PATH', realpath(str_replace('laravel', '', $laravel)).'/');
define('PACKAGE_PATH', realpath($packages).'/');
define('PUBLIC_PATH', realpath($public).'/');
define('STORAGE_PATH', realpath($storage).'/');
define('SYS_PATH', realpath($laravel).'/');
unset($laravel, $application, $config, $packages, $public, $storage);
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Define various other framework paths.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
define('CACHE_PATH', STORAGE_PATH.'cache/');
define('CONFIG_PATH', APP_PATH.'config/');
define('CONTROLLER_PATH', APP_PATH.'controllers/');
define('DATABASE_PATH', STORAGE_PATH.'database/');
define('LANG_PATH', APP_PATH.'language/');
define('SESSION_PATH', STORAGE_PATH.'sessions/');
define('SYS_CONFIG_PATH', SYS_PATH.'config/');
define('SYS_LANG_PATH', SYS_PATH.'language/');
define('VIEW_PATH', APP_PATH.'views/');
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Load the configuration manager and its dependencies.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require SYS_PATH.'facades'.EXT;
require SYS_PATH.'config'.EXT;
require SYS_PATH.'arr'.EXT;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Bootstrap the IoC container.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require SYS_PATH.'container'.EXT;
$dependencies = require SYS_CONFIG_PATH.'container'.EXT;
if (file_exists($path = CONFIG_PATH.'container'.EXT))
$dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, require $path);
$env = (isset($_SERVER['LARAVEL_ENV'])) ? $_SERVER['LARAVEL_ENV'] : null;
if ( ! is_null($env) and file_exists($path = CONFIG_PATH.$env.'/container'.EXT))
$dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, require $path);
$container = new Container($dependencies);
IoC::$container = $container;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Register the auto-loader on the auto-loader stack.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
spl_autoload_register(array($container->resolve('laravel.loader'), 'load'));
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the application environment configuration option.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
$container->resolve('laravel.config')->set('application.env', $env);
\ No newline at end of file
<?php namespace Laravel;
class Config {
* All of the loaded configuration items.
* @var array
protected $config = array();
* Create a new configuration manager instance.
* @param array $config
* @return void
public function __construct($config)
$this->config = $config;
* Determine if a configuration item or file exists.
* <code>
* // Determine if the "options" configuration file exists
* $options = Config::has('options');
* // Determine if a specific configuration item exists
* $timezone = Config::has('application.timezone');
* </code>
* @param string $key
* @return bool
public function has($key)
return ! is_null($this->get($key));
* Get a configuration item.
* Configuration items are stored in the application/config directory, and provide
* general configuration options for a wide range of Laravel facilities.
* The arrays may be accessed using JavaScript style "dot" notation to drill deep
* intot he configuration files. For example, asking for "database.connectors.sqlite"
* would return the connector closure for SQLite stored in the database configuration
* file. If no specific item is specfied, the entire configuration array is returned.
* Like most Laravel "get" functions, a default value may be provided, and it will
* be returned if the requested file or item doesn't exist.
* <code>
* // Get the "timezone" option from the application config file
* $timezone = Config::get('application.timezone');
* // Get an option, but return a default value if it doesn't exist
* $value = Config::get('some.option', 'Default');
* </code>
* @param string $key
* @param string $default
* @return array
public function get($key, $default = null)
return Arr::get($this->items, $key, $default);
* Set a configuration item.
* Configuration items are stored in the application/config directory, and provide
* general configuration options for a wide range of Laravel facilities.
* Like the "get" method, this method uses JavaScript style "dot" notation to access
* and manipulate the arrays in the configuration files. Also, like the "get" method,
* if no specific item is specified, the entire configuration array will be set.
* <code>
* // Set the "timezone" option in the "application" array
* Config::set('application.timezone', 'America/Chicago');
* // Set the entire "session" configuration array
* Config::set('session', $array);
* </code>
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return void
public function set($key, $value)
Arr::set($this->items, $key, $value);
<?php namespace Laravel;
class Config {
* All of the loaded configuration items.
* The configuration arrays are keyed by their owning file name.
* @var array
protected $items = array();
* The paths to the configuration files.
* @var array
protected $paths = array();
* Create a new configuration manager instance.
* @param array $paths
* @return void
public function __construct($paths)
$this->paths = $paths;
* Determine if a configuration item or file exists.
* <code>
* // Determine if the "options" configuration file exists
* $options = Config::has('options');
* // Determine if a specific configuration item exists
* $timezone = Config::has('application.timezone');
* </code>
* @param string $key
* @return bool
public function has($key)
return ! is_null($this->get($key));
* Get a configuration item.
* Configuration items are stored in the application/config directory, and provide
* general configuration options for a wide range of Laravel facilities.
* The arrays may be accessed using JavaScript style "dot" notation to drill deep
* intot he configuration files. For example, asking for "database.connectors.sqlite"
* would return the connector closure for SQLite stored in the database configuration
* file. If no specific item is specfied, the entire configuration array is returned.
* Like most Laravel "get" functions, a default value may be provided, and it will
* be returned if the requested file or item doesn't exist.
* <code>
* // Get the "timezone" option from the application config file
* $timezone = Config::get('application.timezone');
* // Get an option, but return a default value if it doesn't exist
* $value = Config::get('some.option', 'Default');
* </code>
* @param string $key
* @param string $default
* @return array
public function get($key, $default = null)
list($file, $key) = $this->parse($key);
if ( ! $this->load($file))
return ($default instanceof \Closure) ? call_user_func($default) : $default;
if (is_null($key))
return $this->items[$file];
return Arr::get($this->items[$file], $key, $default);
* Set a configuration item.
* Configuration items are stored in the application/config directory, and provide
* general configuration options for a wide range of Laravel facilities.
* Like the "get" method, this method uses JavaScript style "dot" notation to access
* and manipulate the arrays in the configuration files. Also, like the "get" method,
* if no specific item is specified, the entire configuration array will be set.
* <code>
* // Set the "timezone" option in the "application" array
* Config::set('application.timezone', 'America/Chicago');
* // Set the entire "session" configuration array
* Config::set('session', $array);
* </code>
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return void
public function set($key, $value)
list($file, $key) = $this->parse($key);
if (is_null($key))
Arr::set($this->items, $file, $value);
Arr::set($this->items[$file], $key, $value);
* Parse a configuration key and return its file and key segments.
* Configuration keys follow a {file}.{key} convention. So, for example, the
* "session.driver" option refers to the "driver" option within the "session"
* configuration file.
* If no specific item is specified, such as when requested "session", null will
* be returned as the value of the key since the entire file is being requested.
* @param string $key
* @return array
protected function parse($key)
$segments = explode('.', $key);
$key = (count($segments) > 1) ? implode('.', array_slice($segments, 1)) : null;
return array($segments[0], $key);
* Load all of the configuration items from a module configuration file.
* If the configuration file has already been loaded into the items array, there
* is no need to load it again, so "true" will be returned immediately.
* Configuration files cascade across directories. So, for example, if a configuration
* file is in the system directory, its options will be overriden by a matching file
* in the application directory.
* @param string $file
* @return bool
protected function load($file)
if (isset($this->items[$file])) return true;
$config = array();
foreach ($this->paths as $directory)
if (file_exists($path = $directory.$file.EXT))
$config = array_merge($config, require $path);
if (count($config) > 0)
$this->items[$file] = $config;
return isset($this->items[$file]);
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