Commit 3c7dd282 authored by Taylor Otwell's avatar Taylor Otwell

Trimming comment bloat in Crypt class.

parent e5beda1d
......@@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ class Crypt {
public static function encrypt($value)
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Determine the input vector source. Different servers
// and operating systems will have varying options.
// -----------------------------------------------------
if (defined('MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM'))
......@@ -41,21 +37,17 @@ class Crypt {
$random = MCRYPT_RAND;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// The system random number generator must be seeded
// to produce adequately random results.
// -----------------------------------------------------
// The system random number generator must be seeded to produce random results.
if ($random === MCRYPT_RAND)
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(static::iv_size(), $random);
$value = mcrypt_encrypt(static::$cipher, static::key(), $value, static::$mode, $iv);
// -----------------------------------------------------
// We use base64 encoding to get a nice string value.
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Use base64 encoding to get a nice string value.
return base64_encode($iv.$value);
......@@ -67,10 +59,6 @@ class Crypt {
public static function decrypt($value)
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Since all of our encrypted values are base64 encoded,
// we will decode the value here and verify it.
// -----------------------------------------------------
$value = base64_decode($value, true);
if ( ! $value)
......@@ -78,14 +66,10 @@ class Crypt {
throw new \Exception('Decryption error. Input value is not valid base64 data.');
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Extract the input vector from the value.
// -----------------------------------------------------
$iv = substr($value, 0, static::iv_size());
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Remove the input vector from the encrypted value.
// -----------------------------------------------------
$value = substr($value, static::iv_size());
return rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(static::$cipher, static::key(), $value, static::$mode, $iv), "\0");
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