Commit 56daba42 authored by Taylor Otwell's avatar Taylor Otwell

remove composers from ioc container. remove comment bloat from autoloader.

parent 0fd88b67
......@@ -64,10 +64,6 @@ class Autoloader {
// If the namespace has been registered as a PSR-0 compliant library, we will
// load the library according to the PSR-0 naming standards, which state that
// namespaces and underscores indicate the directory hierarchy of the class.
// The PSR-0 standard is exactly like the typical Laravel standard, the only
// difference being that Laravel files are all lowercase, while PSR-0 states
// that the file name should match the class name.
if (isset(static::$libraries[$library]))
return str_replace('_', '/', $file).EXT;
......@@ -2,12 +2,6 @@
return array(
'laravel.view.composers' => array('singleton' => true, 'resolver' => function()
return require APP_PATH.'composers'.EXT;
'laravel.routing.router' => array('singleton' => true, 'resolver' => function($c)
return new Routing\Router($c->core('routing.loader'), CONTROLLER_PATH);
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class View {
protected static function composers()
static::$composers = IoC::container()->core('view.composers');
static::$composers = require APP_PATH.'composers'.EXT;
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