Commit 915becdb authored by crynobone's avatar crynobone

Improve Blade unit-test code coverage

Signed-off-by: 's avatarcrynobone <>
parent 436672c3
......@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class Blade {
$pattern = '/(\s*)@unless(\s*\(.*\))/';
return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php if( ! ($2)): ?>', $value);
return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php if ( ! ($2)): ?>', $value);
......@@ -18,6 +18,20 @@ class BladeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this->assertEquals('<?php echo e($a); ?>', Blade::compile_string($blade2));
* Test the compilation of comments statements.
* @group laravel
public function testCommentsAreConvertedProperly()
$blade1 = "{{-- This is a comment --}}";
$blade2 = "{{--\nThis is a\nmulti-line\ncomment.\n--}}";
$this->assertEquals("<?php /* This is a comment */ ?>\n", Blade::compile_string($blade1));
$this->assertEquals("<?php /* \nThis is a\nmulti-line\ncomment.\n */ ?>\n", Blade::compile_string($blade2));
* Test the compilation of control structures.
......@@ -29,11 +43,22 @@ class BladeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$blade2 = "@if (count(".'$something'.") > 0)\nfoo\n@endif";
$blade3 = "@if (true)\nfoo\n@elseif (false)\nbar\n@endif";
$blade4 = "@if (true)\nfoo\n@else\nbar\n@endif";
$blade5 = "@unless (count(".'$something'.") > 0)\nfoobar\n@endunless";
$blade6 = "@for (Foo::all() as ".'$foo'.")\nfoo\n@endfor";
$blade7 = "@foreach (Foo::all() as ".'$foo'.")\nfoo\n@endforeach";
$blade8 = "@forelse (Foo::all() as ".'$foo'.")\nfoo\n@empty\nbar\n@endforelse";
$blade9 = "@while (true)\nfoo\n@endwhile";
$this->assertEquals("<?php if (true): ?>\nfoo\n<?php endif; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade1));
$this->assertEquals("<?php if (count(".'$something'.") > 0): ?>\nfoo\n<?php endif; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade2));
$this->assertEquals("<?php if (true): ?>\nfoo\n<?php elseif (false): ?>\nbar\n<?php endif; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade3));
$this->assertEquals("<?php if (true): ?>\nfoo\n<?php else: ?>\nbar\n<?php endif; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade4));
$this->assertEquals("<?php if ( ! ( (count(".'$something'.") > 0))): ?>\nfoobar\n<?php endif; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade5));
$this->assertEquals("<?php for (Foo::all() as ".'$foo'."): ?>\nfoo\n<?php endfor; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade6));
$this->assertEquals("<?php foreach (Foo::all() as ".'$foo'."): ?>\nfoo\n<?php endforeach; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade7));
$this->assertEquals("<?php if (count(Foo::all()) > 0): ?><?php foreach (Foo::all() as ".'$foo'."): ?>\nfoo\n<?php endforeach; ?><?php else: ?>\nbar\n<?php endif; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade8));
$this->assertEquals("<?php while (true): ?>\nfoo\n<?php endwhile; ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade9));
......@@ -60,4 +85,28 @@ class BladeTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this->assertEquals("<?php \\Laravel\\Section::start('something'); ?>\nfoo\n<?php \\Laravel\\Section::stop(); ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade));
* Test the compilation of include statements.
* @group laravel
public function testIncludesAreCompiledCorrectly()
$blade = "@include('user.profile')";
$this->assertEquals("<?php echo view('user.profile')->with(get_defined_vars())->render(); ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade));
* Test the compilation of render statements.
* @group laravel
public function testRendersAreCompiledCorrectly()
$blade = "@render('user.profile')";
$this->assertEquals("<?php echo render('user.profile'); ?>", Blade::compile_string($blade));
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