Commit fd6e73aa authored by Jakobud's avatar Jakobud

Added TortoiseGit contribution docs.

Revised Command-Line contribution docs.
Signed-off-by: 's avatarJakobud <>
parent 72d091ee
# Command Line
# Contributing to Laravel via Command-Line
## Contents
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Forking Laravel](#forking-laravel)
- [Cloning Laravel](#cloning-laravel)
- [Adding your Fork](#adding-your-fork)
- [Creating Branches](#creating-branches)
- [Committing](#committing)
- [Submitting a Pull Request](#submitting-a-pull-request)
......@@ -12,11 +13,9 @@
<a name='getting-started'></a>
## Getting Started
This tutorial explains the basics of contributing to a project on [GitHub]( The workflow can apply to most projects on GitHub, but in this case, we will be focused on the [Laravel]( project.
This tutorial explains the basics of contributing to a project on [GitHub]( via the command-line. The workflow can apply to most projects on GitHub, but in this case, we will be focused on the [Laravel]( project. This tutorial is applicable to OSX, Linux and Windows.
This tutorial assumes that you have installed [Git]( and that you have created a [GitHub account]( If you haven't already, look at the documentation for [Laravel on GitHub](/docs/contrib/github) in order to familiarize yourself with Laravel's repositories and branches.
*[Jason Lewis]('s blog post on [Contributing to a GitHub Project]( was the inspiration for this tutorial.*
This tutorial assumes you have installed [Git]( and you have created a [GitHub account]( If you haven't already, look at the [Laravel on GitHub](/docs/contrib/github) documentation in order to familiarize yourself with Laravel's repositories and branches.
<a name='forking-laravel'></a>
## Forking Laravel
......@@ -35,13 +34,16 @@ Next, clone the Laravel repository (not your fork you made):
# git clone .
The reason you are cloning the original Laravel repository (and not the fork you made) is so you can use it to always have the latest Laravel development code. If you simply clone the fork you made, you would have to re-fork the Laravel repository again every time you want the latest changes to Laravel development code.
> **Note**: The reason you are cloning the original Laravel repository (and not the fork you made) is so you can always pull down the most recent changes from the Laravel repository to your local repository.
<a name='adding-your-fork'></a>
## Adding your Fork
Next, it's time to add the fork you made as a **remote repository**:
# git remote add fork
Remember to replace **username** with your GitHub username. *This is case-sensitive*. You can verify that your fork was added by typing:
Remember to replace *username** with your GitHub username. *This is case-sensitive*. You can verify that your fork was added by typing:
# git remote
......@@ -58,22 +60,20 @@ Next, you want to make sure you are up-to-date with the latest Laravel repositor
# git pull origin develop
Now you are ready to create a new branch.
> **Create a new branch for every new feature or bug-fix.** Why? Let's say you make a new branch and add 5 different new features and fix 12 bugs. If one or more of your new features or bug-fixes are rejected by the Laravel team (for whatever reason) your entire pull request will be ignored, even if most of your new features or bug-fixes are perfect. On top of this, separate branches will encourage organization and limit interdependency between new features and bug-fixes that you add.
When you create a new branch, use a self-descriptive naming convention. For example, if there is a bug in Eloquent that you want to fix, name your branch accordingly:
Now you are ready to create a new branch for your new feature or bug-fix. When you create a new branch, use a self-descriptive naming convention. For example, if you are going to fix a bug in Eloquent, name your branch *bug/eloquent*:
# git branch bug/eloquent
# git checkout bug/eloquent
Switched to branch 'bug/eloquent'
Or if there is a new feature or change to the documentation that you want to make, for example, the localization documentation:
Or if there is a new feature to add or change to the documentation that you want to make, for example, the localization documentation:
# git branch feature/localization-docs
# git checkout feature/localization-docs
Switched to branch 'feature/localization-docs'
> **Note:** Create one new branch for every new feature or bug-fix. This will encourage organization, limit interdependency between new features/fixes and will make it easy for the Laravel team to merge your changes into the Laravel core.
Now that you have created your own branch and have switched to it, it's time to make your changes to the code. Add your new feature or fix that bug.
<a name='committing'></a>
......@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ Now that your local repository has your committed changes, it's time to push (or
# git push fork feature/localization-docs
Your branch has been successfully pushed to your fork on GitHub.
<a name='submitting-a-pull-request'></a>
## Submitting a Pull Request
......@@ -121,3 +123,5 @@ Then, pull down the latest changes from Laravel's repository:
# git pull origin develop
Now you are ready to create a new branch and start coding again!
> [Jason Lewis]('s blog post [Contributing to a GitHub Project]( was the primary inspiration for this tutorial.
......@@ -28,3 +28,8 @@ The **laravel** repository has multiple branches, each serving a specific purpos
- **develop** - This is the working development branch. All proposed code changes and contributions by the community are pulled into this branch. *When you make a pull request to the Laravel project, this is the branch you want to pull-request into.*
Once certain milestones have been reached and/or Taylor Otwell and the Laravel team is happy with the stability and additional features of the current development branch, the changes in the **develop** branch are pulled into the **master** branch, thus creating and releasing the newest stable version of Laravel for the world to use.
*Further Reading*
- [Contributing to Laravel via Command-Line](docs/contrib/command-line)
- [Contributing to Laravel using TortoiseGit](docs/contrib/tortoisegit)
# Contributing to Laravel using TortoiseGit
## Contents
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Forking Laravel](#forking-laravel)
- [Cloning Laravel](#cloning-laravel)
- [Adding your Fork](#adding-your-fork)
- [Creating Branches](#creating-branches)
- [Committing](#committing)
- [Submitting a Pull Request](#submitting-a-pull-request)
- [What's Next?](#whats-next)
<a name='getting-started'></a>
## Getting Started
This tutorial explains the basics of contributing to a project on [GitHub]( using [TortoiseGit]( for Windows. The workflow can apply to most projects on GitHub, but in this case, we will be focused on the [Laravel]( project.
This tutorial assumes you have installed TortoiseGit for Windows and you have created a GitHub account. If you haven't already, look at the [Laravel on GitHub](/docs/contrib/github) documentation in order to familiarize yourself with Laravel's repositories and branches.
<a name='forking-laravel'></a>
## Forking Laravel
Login to GitHub and visit the [Laravel Repository]( Click on the **Fork** button. This will create your own fork of Laravel in your own GitHub account. Your Laravel fork will be located at **** (your GitHub username will be used in place of *username*).
<a name='cloning-laravel'></a>
## Cloning Laravel
Open up Windows Explorer and create a new directory where you can make development changes to Laravel.
- Right-click the Laravel directory to bring up the context menu. Click on **Git Clone...**
- Git clone
- **Url:**
- **Directory:** the directory that you just created in the previous step
- Click **OK**
> **Note**: The reason you are cloning the original Laravel repository (and not the fork you made) is so you can always pull down the most recent changes from the Laravel repository to your local repository.
<a name='adding-your-fork'></a>
## Adding your Fork
After the cloning process is complete, it's time to add the fork you made as a **remote repository**.
- Right-click the Laravel directory and goto **TortoiseGit > Settings**
- Goto the **Git/Remote** section. Add a new remote:
- **Remote**: fork
- **URL**:
- Click **Add New/Save**
- Click **OK**
Remember to replace *username* with your GitHub username. *This is case-sensitive*.
<a name='creating-branches'></a>
## Creating Branches
Now you are ready to create a new branch for your new feature or bug-fix. When you create a new branch, use a self-descriptive naming convention. For example, if you are going to fix a bug in Eloquent, name your branch *bug/eloquent*. Or if you were going to make changes to the localization documentation, name your branch *feature/localization-docs*. A good naming convention will encourage organization and help others understand the purpose of your branch.
- Right-click the Laravel directory and goto **TortoiseGit > Create Branch**
- **Branch:** feature/localization-docs
- **Base On Branch:** remotes/origin/develop
- **Check** *Track*
- **Check** *Switch to new branch*
- Click **OK**
This will create your new *feature/localization-docs* branch and switch you to it.
> **Note:** Create one new branch for every new feature or bug-fix. This will encourage organization, limit interdependency between new features/fixes and will make it easy for the Laravel team to merge your changes into the Laravel core.
Now that you have created your own branch and have switched to it, it's time to make your changes to the code. Add your new feature or fix that bug.
<a name='committing'></a>
Now that you have finished coding and testing your changes, it's time to commit them to your local repository:
- Right-click the Laravel directory and goto **Git Commit -> "feature/localization-docs"...**
- Commit
- **Message:** Provide a brief explaination of what you added or changed
- Click **Sign** - This tells the Laravel team know that you personally agree to your code being added to the Laravel core
- **Changes made:** Check all changed/added files
- Click **OK**
<a name='pushing-to-your-fork'></a>
## Pushing to your Fork
Now that your local repository has your committed changes, it's time to push (or sync) your new branch to your fork that is hosted in GitHub:
- Right-click the Laravel directory and goto **Git Sync...**
- Git Syncronization
- **Local Branch:** feature/localization-docs
- **Remote Branch:** leave this blank
- **Remote URL:** fork
- Click **Push**
- When asked for "username:" enter your GitHub *case-sensitive* username
- When asked for "password:" enter your GitHub *case-sensitive* account
Your branch has been successfully pushed to your fork on GitHub.
<a name='submitting-a-pull-request'></a>
## Submitting a Pull Request
The final step is to submit a pull request to the Laravel repository. This means that you are requesting that the Laravel team pull and merge your changes to the Laravel core. In your browser, visit your Laravel fork at []( Click on **Pull Request**. Next, make sure you choose the proper base and head repositories and branches:
- **base repo:** laravel/laravel
- **base branch:** develop
- **head repo:** username/laravel
- **head branch:** feature/localization-docs
Use the form to write a more detailed description of the changes you made and why you made them. Finally, click **Send pull request**. That's it! The changes you made have been submitted to the Laravel team.
<a name='whats-next'></a>
## What's Next?
Do you have another feature you want to add or another bug you need to fix? Just follow the same instructions as before in the [Creating Branches](#creating-branches) section. Just remember to always create a new branch for every new feature/fix and don't forget to always base your new branches off of the *remotes/origin/develop* branch.
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