1. 10 May, 2017 1 commit
    • Arjan Weurding's avatar
      Make window.Laravel.csrfToken unneccesarry · 5b8401e1
      Arjan Weurding authored
      I don't like the fact we have to add 
              window.Laravel = {!! json_encode([
                  'csrfToken' => csrf_token(),
              ]) !!};
      To have it working, when the docs suggest adding only the meta tag. This will get the token from the meta tag.
  2. 04 May, 2017 2 commits
  3. 03 May, 2017 4 commits
  4. 28 Apr, 2017 2 commits
  5. 27 Apr, 2017 3 commits
  6. 26 Apr, 2017 6 commits
  7. 24 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  8. 23 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  9. 21 Apr, 2017 2 commits
  10. 20 Apr, 2017 3 commits
  11. 19 Apr, 2017 2 commits
  12. 18 Apr, 2017 2 commits
  13. 17 Apr, 2017 2 commits
  14. 07 Apr, 2017 3 commits
  15. 06 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  16. 03 Apr, 2017 4 commits
  17. 31 Mar, 2017 1 commit